Hertha BSC welcomes new supervisory board
After the announcement of 777 Partners as a new strategic partner of Hertha BSC, a new supervisory board for Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA was elected last Friday, 10th March 2023 in an extraordinary general meeting. 777 Partners now hold 78.8% of capital shares in Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA, with 74.9% of these voting shares. 777 Partners and Hertha BSC have agreed that a blocking minority of 25.1% of voting rights will remain with Hertha BSC e. V.
Hertha are delighted to be able to welcome the new supervisory board, led by chairman Marius Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein with his deputy Steven W. Pasko and Josh Wander as a repesentative of 777 Partners to the ‘Old Lady’. The supervisory board is completed by Klaus Siegers (chairman of the board at Weberbank) and Frank Kohler (chairman of the board at Sparda-Bank Berlin), who were both voted in once again.
The number of supervisory board members has been reduced in close agreement with the responsible boards at Hertha BSC from the previous nine to five, in order to allow for the board to work in a leaner, faster and more efficient way. With the voting in of a new supervisory board, long-serving board members Dr. Karl Kauermann, Vera Gäde-Butzlaff and Dr. Holger Hatje from Hertha BSC, as well as Stefan Kindler, Dr. Georg Kofler, Tarek Malak and Prof. Dr. Thomas Werlen from former sharehold Tennor/Peil have left the board.
“At this point, we would like to expressly thank those members of the previous supervisory board and the advisory board for all the work they did. Our cooperation has always been constructive and fruitful, making working together a pleasant experience and always to the benefit of Hertha BSC,” said Kay Bernstein, president of Hertha BSC e. V. “My particular thanks goes to the long-serving members from Hertha Berliner Sport-Club (Hertha B. S. C.) led by experienced chairman Dr. Karl Kauermann. Vera Gäde-Butzlaff and Dr. Holger Hatje, together with Dr. Kauermann, have always supported Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA with their advice and assistance, and supported the company with their experience and network,” underlined Hertha’s president.
Marius Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein also commented: “Firstly, I just want to thank Hertha BSC for the trust placed in me and my new advisory board colleagues. After our constituted meeting last Friday, it is now about familiarising ourselves even more with the pressing matters affecting the company in order to be able to best support the absolutely necessary consolidation strategy.”
Alongside the voting on a new supervisory board, two new representatives of 777 Partners, Don Dransfield (Chief Executive Officer of 777 Football Group) and Markus Hunold (advisor), were also voted into the advisory board of Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA. As a result, the two previous representatives of Tennor/Peil, Stefan Kindler und Thomas Traboulsi have left the board.