First team | September 30, 2022, 02:39 PM
Good news regarding Jean-Paul Boëtius
Jean-Paul Boëtius and the whole Hertha family are relieved to hear the news that the Dutch midfielder will not need to undergo chemotherapy after an undergoing an operation last week that removed a malignant testicular tumour. No follow-up treatment is required because of how early the operation was carried out by Dr. Sebastian Hofbauer from Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Bernhard Ralla’s team. Our number 10 will therefore be able to return to the pitch in the coming weeks. “We are all incredibly happy for Djanga! We will give him the time he needs to recover from his operation and we would love nothing more than him returning as quickly as Marco Richter did,” said board member for sport Fredi Bobic.